動脈瘤性くも膜下出血 (SAH) は頭蓋内圧 (ICP) 亢進につながる可能性のある病態であり、初期の出血量と初期の脳損傷・血管けいれん・遅発性虚血・ICP亢進などのさまざまな機序を介した二次的脳損傷の進行は患者の転帰に有意に影響する。近年このような頭蓋内病態生理学的障害を早期に同定する方法と…
詳しく見る急性呼吸促迫症候群 (ARDS) は、罹患率と死亡率の上昇に関連する重篤な疾患である1)。ARDSは機械的換気に起因する場合があり、肺保護換気戦略により転帰が改善される可能性がある。一方、外傷性脳損傷 (TBI) では頭蓋内圧 (ICP) の管理が最優先事項であり…
詳しく見るWith the invention of cars came the rise in traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) – with over half of TBIs attributed to motor vehicles as early as the late 1930s...
詳しく見るPlacing an external ventricular drain (EVD) is both a routine as well as critical procedure in neurocritical care.…
詳しく見るAt 13 years old, Zack Lystedt was a talented football player who lived and breathed the sport.
詳しく見るExternal ventricular drainage, one of the most used procedures in neurological care, has lifesaving potential in a wide variety of brain injuries...
詳しく見るIn a typical day, a neurocritical care team will see a dozen patients: older patients who have suffered strokes, people with subarachnoid hemorrhages, younger patients with traumatic...
詳しく見るCatheter occlusions are one of the most frustrating challenges in external ventricular drainage and have the potential to increase intracranial pressure (ICP) to dangerous levels. In the study
詳しく見るIn Florence Nightingale’s 1859 Notes on Nursing, she wrote, “Never to allow a patient to be waked, intentionally or accidentally, is a sine qua non of all good nursing.” Sleep
詳しく見るAfter getting into a car accident on the way home from work, a man suffered from a severe traumatic brain injury. What happens during the next hour...