To better prepare them for similar high-stakes situations, military personnel receive mental skills...
During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, a patient was admitted to John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD, after suffering a traumatic...
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Bill Sanders was having lunch with his wife Linda one day when he began to have difficulty eating. Linda made a joke, but when...
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内視鏡下拡大経鼻手術 (eETSS: Extended endoscopic TransSphenoidal Surgery) では内視鏡下経蝶形骨洞手術 (eTSS: endoscopic TransSphenoidal Surgery) に比べて...
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An elderly patient presents with confusion and forgetfulness, common symptoms of old age. But upon further examination…
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令和2年度診療報酬改定にて、定位的頭蓋内脳波(stereoelectroencephalography: SEEG)の実施に必要となる7本以上の深部電極留置が新たに保険収載された…
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アメリカでは脳の解剖学的および機能的な結合性 (connectivity) のマップ作りを目的としたNIHの5年プロジェットとしてHuman Connectome Project (HCP) …