In a typical day, a neurocritical care team will see a dozen patients: older patients who have suffered strokes, people with subarachnoid hemorrhages, younger patients with traumatic...
詳しく見るCatheter occlusions are one of the most frustrating challenges in external ventricular drainage and have the potential to increase intracranial pressure (ICP) to dangerous levels. In the study
詳しく見るIn Florence Nightingale’s 1859 Notes on Nursing, she wrote, “Never to allow a patient to be waked, intentionally or accidentally, is a sine qua non of all good nursing.” Sleep
詳しく見るAfter getting into a car accident on the way home from work, a man suffered from a severe traumatic brain injury. What happens during the next hour...
詳しく見るMobilizing patients with external ventricular drains (EVDs) in the Neuro ICU has interested Megan Moyer since she first became a nurse practitioner. It’s why she’s sought approval..
詳しく見るThe number of women who have experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI) from domestic violence is estimated to be 12 times greater than the number of TBIs experienced by military personnel and athletes combined...
詳しく見るIn their intracerebral hemorrhage treatment guidelines, the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association recommends the rapid transfer of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) patients to a tertiary unit for the management of hemorrhagic stroke.
詳しく見る一般に集中治療室 (ICU) に搬送されるTraumatic brain injury (TBI) 患者に対しては、頭蓋内圧(ICP) をモニターして、予後に悪影響を及ぼすICP上昇を避けるための治療が行われている。本研究の目的は、ICU患者の...
詳しく見るCaring for patients in the neurological intensive care unit involves managing and preventing complications, monitoring disease status and other body functions, administering treatments, and providing other life-sustaining interventions all at the same time.
詳しく見るImagine a patient is admitted to the Neuro ICU with a severe brain injury and in the span of just a few hours, you could predict the probability of that patient...